The History of Montrose and its Surrounding Parishes

Montrose Basin Heritage Society (MBHS) was formed in 1999 to promote the study and understanding of the natural and historical development of the Montrose Basin area. Montrose Basin is an SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) and a RAMSAR (internationally important wetland site).
Montrose lies at the eastern end of the South Esk River where it flows into the North Sea. Once a broad estuary, the access to the sea has been partly reduced by a spit of land laid down from the northern side of the river. Montrose town now lies on this spit, with its medieval core located on the highest point.
The MBHS area of study is the parishes adjacent to the Basin - Montrose itself, Dun, Maryton and Craig, but the nature of the study and its location adjacent to Montrose - an international port for over one thousand years - means information may be available on a much greater area - with links to many areas around the world.
Become a Member:
The MBHS is a small group dedicated to local research. Group meetings are usually held on Tuesday mornings, but members carry out individual research and other activities throughout the week. Active new members are always welcomed. Membership is based on an annual payment of a membership fee.
Become A Sponsor:
The MBHS is small in membership (currently less than a dozen members) but ambitious in its aims. Funding for its activities and publications is therefore always a challenge. If you would be interested in providing sponsorship for the group, making a one off donation, or helping with fundraising, please contact the Secretary.
Provide Information:
If you are reading this page then it is assumed you are interested in the Montrose Basin area and/or local history. The group relies on the goodwill of local landowners and residents and increasingly from those who live much further away. If you hold material that you think might be of interest to the survey and are prepared to share this knowledge, or if you are researching related topics that will support our work, please get in touch.
For more information please contact the Secretary at: Montrose Basin Heritage Society, c/o Forbes Inglis (Secretary), PO Box 7179, Montrose, DD10 8WU.